It is well recognised that Academia, Industry and the Society as a whole should continuously work together to make sure their policies and practices are in tune with current global trends and developments. Through complementing each other a synergy can be achieved that will result in creating a sustainable motivational, competitive, and innovative culture among industries and academia. An expected natural outcome of such culture will be a well-informed, well-prepared and more productive citizen equipped with necessary technical and soft skills to prosper in 21st Century Society.
To address this view a panel discussion with experts from Industry, Academia and Government will give the opportunity to discuss the needs, the challenges and the opportunities in strengthening the collaboration between the Academia and Industry including the Military aspect.
Main Topics:
- Aligning academia programs toward Oman National Vision 2040.
- Developing 21st century skills in line with Industrial Revolution 4.0 for global competitiveness among students.
- Strengthening and enabling a sustainable research, innovation and development (RID) collaborations among the public and private industries and academia.
Organizing committee :
- Aqeed Dr. Mohamed Al Siyabi, MTC – Chair
- Prof. Abdullah Al Badi, IEEE Oman
- Eng. Bader Al Ghunaimi, MTC
- Dr. Ivan Dudurych, MTC
- Eng. Arnold Santos, MTC
- Dr. Maamoun Ali Ahmed, MTC